Billing & Collection
Consulting for Compliance and Reimbursement
Your Consultant
Dr. Mark Studin has been a practicing chiropractor for 40+ years and consulting chiropractic practices nationally for 25+ years. He has educated over 400,000 claims representatives, plaintiffs, defense lawyers, and in-house counsels nationally for over 25 years. He still presents nationally that allows him to stay current. That level of interaction with teaching and learning allows him to stay, often 6 months ahead of carrier and court-mandated changes. As changes occur, you will be alerted in various formats to be ahead of the upcoming changes to ensure continued reimbursement and help prevent audits or lawsuits.
“World-Class” Consulting Taking 0% of Your Time
Built into the evaluations, re-evaluations, and soap notes is guidance to ensure compliance and reimbursement. These suggestions guide you “seamlessly” through the documentation process making it more efficient and removing most questions to help make you “bulletproof” in all genres of the health care arena. Compliance and reimbursement macros will be updated regularly by Dr. Studin and his research team to ensure that you meet the “evidentiary requirements” as prescribed by the Daubert standard. The Daubert standard is a federal “litmus test” that carriers and lawyers consider when determining reimbursement. As EMR Chiro is 100% in the cloud, all of this is automated and continually updated with no work required on your part.
Fraud Prevention Automation
Also built into the evaluations, re-evaluations, and SOAP notes are “strong suggestions” on areas that need a little more attention based on the carrier’s focus on what will spur an audit or lawsuit. As a result of Dr. Studin’s relationships with the carriers and their attorneys and reading current federal lawsuits, we often have advanced information versus other typical sources in our industry to help ensure your “legal safety.” These “prompts” direct you during the documentation encounter, so there is nothing to study or need to memorize. It is the “Easy Button.”
Consulting Topics Covered:
- Coding
- Evaluation and Management Documentation
- S.O.A.P. Documentation
- Re-Evaluation Documentation
- Compliance
- Medical-Legal Documentation
- Required Elements
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